Welcome to Navigate Marketing Group

If you’re here, you’re wondering if you could be doing things better. You’re wondering if the people and processes you have in place to drive sales and relationships with your customers could be stronger. You’re wondering if the investments you’re making in marketing and communications are the right investments for your business. You’re looking for guidance, a coach, a trusted advisor. Someone who can help get you on the right track and provide the tools and the confidence to manage things on your own.

What we Offer


We provide strategic coaching to business owners, VP of Sales, and Marketing Directors of small to mid-size companies wanting to manage their own marketing and communications more effectively.


We help you navigate the business of marketing to better support sales, reduce risk, develop stronger working relationships with outside resources, and empower your teams to achieve business goals.


We work with you and your teams to develop a strong marketing foundation from which you will build effective communications in the most efficient way possible.


We instill confidence in your decision making regarding the time and money you’re investing in your marketing efforts moving forward.

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish, he feeds himself for a lifetime.

Let's Talk

Why Coaching?

After years of seeing smart business owners pay for marketing plans they never fully execute, invest in tactics quickly abandoned, commit random acts of marketing not aligned with customer expectations, and keep sales and marketing teams distant cousins, I wanted to uncover a better way.

I wanted to give my clients the confidence, and the tools to make marketing and communication decisions based on what made sense for them, their teams, and their business goals whether they did the marketing themselves or worked with an outside expert.

In developing the mission for Navigate Marketing Group, I knew coaching made sense. A coach taps into the client’s wisdom and asks powerful questions to understand the why, not simply the what, and how solutions can be implemented that fit within the business structure. A coach helps you reach your destination in a way that is more in line with who you are, what you are trying to achieve, the commitment you can make, and what you and your team really need to get there.

                                                                                      – Annette Pannier

Our Approach

We concentrate our coaching on:

  • Who is buying from you and why
  • What is their journey and what are they seeking at each stage that moves them closer to the purchase
  • What sets your business apart in the marketplace to compete more effectively
  • What investments of time and money make the most sense based on your business goals
  • Key accountabilities for your internal team
  • When and how to use an outside marketing expert and how to find the right fit
  • How to build a foundation and the tools to make the most of your investments

Our Process:

  • Strengthens sales support
  • Reduces risk
  • Eliminates frustration when working with outside marketing resources
  • Empowers teams in achieving business goals
  • Helps teams work smarter and faster
  • Ensures greater return on time and money invested in communication and marketing efforts
  • Strengthens sales support
  • Reduces Risk

The Results:

  • A customer-centric approach to your communications
  • Greater alignment between marketing and sales
  • More effective marketing-partner relationships
  • Communication investments that better support business objectives
  • A stronger marketing/communications team
  • The confidence to manage your marketing and communications successfully

Our Team


Annette Pannier

Founder and Principal

Annette is a 30-year marketing and business veteran. Through corporate marketing at a Fortune 500 company, in leadership roles at two marketing firms, and as a business manager, Annette has fine-tuned her ability to step back, ask smart questions, evaluate the big picture, and provide a laser focus to the solutions at hand.

This well-balanced experience provides the keen insight needed to coach her clients in developing a marketing and communications foundation and knowledge base that supports them in managing their investments effectively.

Her expertise in business strategy, brand development, marketing, and customer engagement along with her collaborative style and passion for excellence makes her a strong partner for businesses that are ready for their marketing and communication investments to make a bigger impact on business success.


Kelley Rudolph

Creative Professional

As a creative professional, Kelley works alongside marketing professionals to develop results-driven communications. She uses her creative skills, strategic marketing experience and technical expertise to deliver effective messaging through design.

Kelley knows that people are innately visual. Our attention is immediately drawn to colors, shapes, pictures and other graphic elements; so the first impression must deliver a strong message. Kelley’s design philosophy, based on consistency, does just that. She believes it’s important to make sure all touch points of a brand tell the same story, a story that sets the client apart from its competitors.

Thought Leadership

Let's start a conversation

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We’re here

If you’re ready to shift the marketing conversation for your business from “what stuff do we need” to “what do we want to accomplish and why, and how can we get there successfully – let’s connect.

Navigate Marketing Group will meet with your team at no charge up to one hour to discuss your communications goals, expectations and current strategies. At the end of that meeting, we will determine if working together makes sense for your business.


Annette Pannier
Navigate Marketing Group LLC
De Pere, WI

Phone: 920.362.8665


Contact Us